
Effective communication is a secret of successful leadership

Effective communication is a secret of successful leadership

A successful leader knows when to speak and when to remain silent, and is able to communicate effectively in addition to the skill of communicating information of all kinds to employees clearly and succinctly.

Staff inspiration

The inspiring leader always strives to meet the needs of the team and present his interest to the authority, which drives its members to accomplish a lot of work properly, and the inspiring leader learns from the employees and listens to them with the opportunity to work together, which makes them do everything they can to achieve the public interest Your goal is to be an inspiring management leader.

Have a clear vision for the future

An effective leader possesses a clear vision for the future about his company by choosing realistic goals that can be achieved, and it is also clear so that he can advance his company.

The ability to make decisions

The leader must be able to make critical and critical decisions based on information covering the problem in all other respects.

Resolving crises

The art of crisis management so that he can face events and work out peacefully from these problems by finding the best solutions.

The difference between a successful leader and a manager

Many confuse the word of the manager and the leader and believe that they have the same meaning, but the truth is that there are many fundamental differences between them that we will get acquainted with by the following:


The commander’s method is the demand method.

More than authority is concerned with management.

Informs employees rather than driving them.

Enthusiasm is fueled by employees rather than by fear.

Always say the word “we”.

He attributes success and credit to employees.

He always develops personal and professional employee skills.

Always inform employees.

Is interested in leading employees.

Inspire those around him to do as much as possible they thought was impossible.

Leaders always do more than expected.

Interested in creativity and innovation.

Interested in answering the “why” questions.

He has a long-range view.

It does the right thing.

The leader has priority over employees, not production.

He says according to values ​​and principles, not interest.

He makes decisions with the team.

His first concern is the team, not the system.


His method is the command method.

He cares more about power than management.

Fear of employees so that they can produce a lot.

Always repeat the word “I”.

Success is always attributed to himself.

Leading the staff.

Only interested in management and not paying attention to innovation.

He is interested in answering “what” questions.

He has a short-term view.

He cares about doing things the right way.

Warren Buffett says the manager accepts the status quo while the leader challenges the status quo.

His primary interest in net income.

It focuses on current needs only and ignores the future.

He pays attention to detail rather than vision.

Dictates the decisions.

Capable of making obedient followers, not great leaders.